Nashville Jeep Club: Panther Rock
Nashville Jeep Club has teamed up with CrazyLike Offroad for a day on the trails! We will guide you down Trail 51 at Windrock, where you will get to park your Jeep on Panther Rock and earn your badge! Trail instruction and education will be included throughout the day.
This will be a 4-6 hour ride. Pack a lunch and beverage. Windrock as well as CrazyLike Offroad have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol while on the trail. Windrock does not allow it anywhere in a vehicle and checks coolers 100% of the time. Please make sure to have your ride passes (purchased at Windrock) for each person in the vehicle purchased and ready at check in. Fire Extinguishers are MANDATORY without exception in each vehicle.
An email will be sent one week prior to the ride date with the meet up location. Any questions please feel free to reach out to us via Messenger or email at crazylikeoffroad@gmail.com