Jeremy (Bucee) and Jennifer (FancyLike) Leatherman have been on the trail with CLO since the very beginning. These two are both very active in their local Jeep club and are always either on the trail, at a Jeep event or on the run with their daughters!
Jeremy and Jennifer will be leading Stock Friendly, Easy and Moderate rides for CLO in Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. Give them a follow at FancyLike Jeep to tag along with their adventures and their build progress on both Jeeps!
Been wanting to get those fancy new 40” (or bigger) tires on the best trails anywhere in the southeast? Craig Van Tuyl is your opportunity to do it CrazyLike Offroad style! It’s clear from his rig Fury that Craig sweats the details. And that translates to exactly what type of ride you can expect from him. Give him a follow on Instagram @fury_jk
Craig will be leading Advanced 37” and up tire rides exclusively in 2024.
Tiffany & Jeremy Willis have been a part of some of CLO’s biggest bucket list trails. They have been enjoying the offroad life and active in local Tennessee clubs for a very long time.
Their Jeep “Rebel” has conquered some of the most challenging trails in Tennessee.
These two will be leading rides of all levels up to Moderate in 2024.
Jessica & Lynn Whitehead are capable of leading any ride level we offer. Located out of the Knoxville area they will spend a lot of time at Windrock. Both are seasoned off-roaders and as a team will bring an amazing off-road experience!
The Salty Goat is Lynn’s Rubicon that is well sorted out for any trail you’d like him to guide you through!
The Duchess is Jess’s 392 Rubicon. One of the best looking CLO has ever seen.