Trail Designations
Just as it sounds. This means any Jeep from the factory with a minimum of a 31” tire is capable of completing the ride with zero body damage & potential use of factory skid plate systems. Most of these rides will be of the “backroads” variety. Dirt roads and creek crossings. Fire extinguisher, tow strap and radio are required for these rides.
33” tire requirement. These rides will consist of scenic views & great trails. For any tire size 33” & up this is the opportunity if you’ve never been on a trail to learn. For anyone looking to move to moderate rides, an easy ride is highly encouraged first. We typically will take the time to go over winch operation on these rides at a lunch break. Zero body damage should be expected on these rides, however, skid plates should be expected to be used. Fire extinguisher, tow strap, ability to air down & up & radio are required for these rides.
35” tire requirement (37”s recommended). Really getting on the trail with a moderate ride. These rides will push your comfort level & ability level of your Jeep. A well-prepared vehicle is required for theses rides. Requirements: all items required for the easy ride, plus a winch, recovery gear, trail jack , the ability to air down & up & the ability to change a tire (full size spare required for those tires under 37”). A spare is not required for 37” + tires . A tire repair kit to plug and externally patch is required if you are not carrying a spare. A very good understanding of how all functions of your Jeep work is necessary.
37” tires & up. Anything can & will happen on these rides. Winch use WILL happen on these rides. Vehicle damage is LIKELY to occur. You will have to have completed a moderate ride with us or exhibit the ability from previous ride experience to join. Vehicle preparedness will be inspected BEFORE we head on the trail. This is encouraged to be done one week in advance, at a minimum, to the ride day. If it is performed on the trail head day of the ride and an issue is found, be prepared to not ride that day in the group. Advanced rides are for those seasoned in off roading & with a comprehensive knowledge of their ride.